Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Urban Green Space = Good

Being out in the empty lot next door to water and look at the garden is refreshing. Despite the man-made rubble that lies beneath, it's amazing to observe the life that thrives there - the wild flowers and plants, butterflies and dragonflies. The city breeze that moves through the space is different than the breeze that usually moves along concrete, brick and pavement. It is sweet-smelling and unobstructed. It's too bad more people can't enjoy it. I'm one of the few who has this view because I climb through the fence each day.

It's important for people to see things growing and thriving in the city. It seems to awaken something good in us. The people passing through the alley that runs next to the garden stop while I am there to say hi, to ask me what I am doing and tell me they are glad to see someone doing something positive in the vacant lot. These two small boxes of a few herbs and vegetables have a power that I did not anticipate - to start conversation, to create community and to show to others the potential that lies in a place that has been empty and fenced off from the neighbourhood for so long.


Natalie said...

I started a garden on my fire escape and spent the 4th of july repotting all the goodies into old fruit boxes on the sidewalk out in front of my building. it was really nice to engage with my neighbors and here the sound of "i could do that too" in their voices. i do need your cart though, the soil was really heavy and my arms got tired carrying the tomato plants home.

Natalie said...

i just found this website and thought the idea might interest you...
enjoy my dear! those plants are looking good!